The Human Computer Interaction Consortium is constituted of active participants from leading academic, governmental, and industrial organizations who have come together to develop and promote the discipline. An integral function of the consortium is to strengthen academic programs and provide industrial experience for students and faculty. The consortium will provide a focus for the discipline and promote technology transfer and information exchanges between academia and industry.

  • Construct a scientific foundation for Human-Computer Interaction
  • Promote research, education, and training
  • Promote technology transfer and information exchange
  • Participate in collaborative research

The Consortium will operate as a "global village." It will promote the concepts of the virtual institution and faculty by encouraging exchanges of personnel between the participating institutions and industrial partners. Practical relevance and contributions of the discipline will be measured by the application of the theories and methods to real problems and systems.

The Human-Computer Interaction Consortium (HCIC): A History by Gary Olson . The primary author of this history was Gary Olson, but many others offered important input, since much of this history has had to be reconstructed from memories rather than a wealth of documents. Those who have added substantially to this have been Martha Polson, Don Norman, Judy Olson, Terry Roberts, Gerhard Fischer, and Clayton Lewis.

These are the current HCIC member organizations:

Governing Board Member
Carnegie Mellon University
Jeffrey Bigham (
Columbia University
Lena Mamykina (
Cornell University
Drexel University
Aleksandra Sarcevic (
Georgia Institute of Technology
Patrick Gage Kelley (
Harvard University
Krzysztof Gajos (
Indiana University - Bloomington
Patrick Shih (
IU Indianapolis
Andrew Miller (
Northeastern University
Northwestern University
Nell O’Rourke (
Pennsylvania State University
Saeed Abdullah (
Rochester Institute of Technology
Matt Huenerfauth (
Rutgers University
Stanford University
Syracuse University
EunJeong Cheon (
University of California, Irvine
Daniel Epstein (
University of California, San Diego
Jim Hollan (
University of California, Santa Cruz
Christina Chung (
University of Colorado
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Karrie Karahalios (
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Andrea Kleinsmith (
University of Maryland, College Park
University of Michigan
Gabriela Marcu (
University of Minnesota
Lana Yarosh (
University of Toronto
Robert Soden (
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin Madison

For questions about membership, or about HCIC in general, e-mail HCIC Admin