Theme Theory!
Location Pajaro Dunes, Watsonville, CA
Date June 28 - July 2, 2015
Paper Presentations
A Mixed-Methods Study of Mobile Users' Data Usage Practices in South Africa
Arunesh Mathur (University of Maryland, College Park)
Brent Schlotfeldt (University of Maryland, College Park)
Marshini Chetty (University of Maryland, College Park)
+ Abstract - Abstract
The shift of global cellular markets towards usage-based billing has given rise to the question of how users manage their mobile data. In this paper, we describe a mixed-methods study of mobile phone users' data usage practices in South Africa using a large scale survey, in-depth interviews, and logs of actual data usage over time.
An Algorithm Wrote This? Psychological Responses to AI News Writers: Eeriness, Branding, and Credibility
Andrew Gambino (Penn State)
Jinyoung Kim (Penn State)
+ Abstract - Abstract
This research examines the psychological responses to AI-news writers. In particular it highlights the differential effects based on news topic, eeriness as a mediator of these effects, and that the brand or sponsor of the AI-news writer matters. Implications for theory (CASA, MAIN Model, and The Uncanny Valley) and design are discussed.
Computational methods in service of understanding situated action in disaster
Marina Kogan (University of Colorado Boulder)
+ Abstract - Abstract
As a computational social scientist committed to the contextual nature of the socio-behavioral phenomena, I often need to reconcile potential conflicts between epistemological commitments of the computational social science and situated action. I show how computational social science methods could be a good fit for contextual study of human behavior.
Crafting Project Infrastructures in the Confluence of Data, Software, and Hardware in Observational Cosmology
Drew Paine (University of Washington)
+ Abstract - Abstract
Software practices in scientific research are an ongoing area of inquiry in CSCW in need of further theorizing. My dissertation asks how members of an observational cosmology group collaboratively craft their scientific and software practices from an existing ecosystem of infrastructures to enact and sustain project data processing infrastructures.
Educational Technologies for Maximizing Learning in Classroom Environments
Eleanor O Rourke (University of Washington)
+ Abstract - Abstract
My research explores how technology can improve learning and communication in the in- person classroom. Specifically, my PhD work studies the design and evaluation of novel educational systems with the goal of improving student motivation, creating personalized learning experiences, and providing teachers with rich, actionable student data.
Exploring a Theory-Guided Path to the Design of Personal Informatics and Intervention Technologies
Elizabeth Murnane (Cornell University)
+ Abstract - Abstract
My research aims to close gaps among theory, personalization, and the design of personal informatics and intervention technology. In this paper, I focus attention on a domain exemplifying the value in pursuing a theory-driven, personalized approach: sleep sensing.
Eyes-Free Exercise Technologies Using Computer Vision
Kyle Rector (University of Washington)
Richard E. Ladner (University of Washington)
Julie A. Kientz (University of Washington)
+ Abstract - Abstract
People who are blind or low vision may have a harder time participating in exercise classes due to inaccessibility or lack of experience. My PhD work involves studying and inventing Eyes-Free Exercise Technologies in attempt to lower the barrier between people who are blind or low vision and exercising independently.
Human-Computer Resistance: Evasion and Circumvention of Digital Technologies in HCI
Martin Shelton (University of California, Irvine)
+ Abstract - Abstract
Theories in HCI have focused on examining how people interact with the world through digital technologies, yet much less is known about how people resist computing technology. Through a study of resistance to electronic surveillance among investigative journalists, I highlight critical approaches to understanding resistance through theories in HCI.
Lessons for Crowdsourcing from a Century of Group Research
Brian McInnis (Cornell University)
Malte Jung (Cornell University)
Jeff Hancock (Cornell University)
+ Abstract - Abstract
Typical crowdsourcing coordinates many independently performed microtasks into a macroservice. Recent research considers how to crowdsource wicked problems, we argue that wicked problems are fundamentally different and require crowdsourcing with groups. We develop this argument by tracing four conceptual shifts through a century of group research: from Taylorism to Sensemaking.
Mobile Health Interventions for Flu Preventions
Changkun Zhao (Pennsylvania State University)
+ Abstract - Abstract
In this paper, I particularly focus on health interventions on preventing the spreading of influenza, and increasing the health of immunization systems. I introduce HHeal that tracks personal flu risks and provides healthy interventions.The preliminary study evaluate the initial design and the effectiveness of interventions. The results showed that the app successfully delivers designed interventions.
Modeling Programming Behavior Under Increased Anxiety
Robert Deloatch (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign)
+ Abstract - Abstract
My research focuses on understanding programmer behavior and program quality in stressful or anxiety provoking situations. I investigate theories of state anxiety and stress as well as program comprehension, composition, debugging, and modification to understand the ways stress and anxiety manifest during each of these stages.
New Dimensions in Crisis Informatics Research: 
Looking Closer at Geographic Data
Jennings Anderson (University of Colorado Boulder)
+ Abstract - Abstract
Crisis Informatics research can be enriched with geographic data. Using geographic metadata in quantitative analysis of Twitter enables meaningful subsetting of the data for further qualitative research, while analyzing volunteered geographic information within OpenStreetMap can teach us about new forms of online collaboration during a disaster.
Seeking Information Like Mr. Spock: Applying Persuasion Theories to the Design of Information Systems
Q. Vera Liao (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
+ Abstract - Abstract
Leveraging persuasion theories in behavioral and social science, my research goal is to design information systems that 'nudge' users towards more desirable information consumption, e.g., seeking diverse opinions, overcoming cognitive biases, attending to credible and high-quality information, engaging in efficient learning, etc.
Sociotechnical Gender Identity Formation in Maker Spaces
Andrea Marshall (Drexel University )
+ Abstract - Abstract
HCI continues to discuss maker culture and maker spaces as sociotechnical environments, which potentially support new ways of understanding how individuals relate to technology, and how human beings reimagine contexts of use, as well as conduct their own appropriations of technological artifacts as boundary objects that facilitate user agency. We can expand this discussion of user agency to include sociotechnical gender identity formation; feminist grounded theory allows us to envision a full spectrum of diversity within computing cultures. Bricolage as both a creative practice and reflexive tool permits new modes of understanding gendered expertise in sociotechnical contexts, through its insistence upon nonlinear skill building and playful engagements with technology.
The Cocktail Party Effect Extended to Touch Input
Halley Profita (University of Colorado Boulder)
Shaun Kane (University of Colorado Boulder)
+ Abstract - Abstract
Wearable devices often use haptic feedback to convey non-visual and hands-free information. However, difficulty lies in translating information from one sense into another (e.g., visual to haptic), as our sensory bandwidths differ. This paper will seek to explore approaches for mapping sensorial information for more meaningful and richer information resolution.
The Influence of National Culture on Teams in Crisis Response
Tristan Endsley (Pennsylvania State University)
+ Abstract - Abstract
In this paper I discuss the need to focus on multidimensional aspects influencing individual and team cognition, arguing that this approach can improve team performance during crisis events. Further, it is necessary to understand the impacts of culture on cognition in order to anticipate their potential effects on team interactions, development of team mental models, shared understanding and on team performance in crisis response.
Discussant Abstracts
Reinvigorating CSCW Field-based Research Through Theory
Presenters: Mark Ackerman (University of Michigan)
Discussant: Rogerio de Paula (IBM Research)
Theory of Interactive Media Effects (TIME): How Interface Affordances Affect User Perceptions, Actions and Attitudes
Presenters: S. Shyam Sundar (Penn State University)
Discussant: Steve Whittaker (UC Santa Cruz)
Developing Data-Driven Theories via Grounded Theory Method and via Machine Learning
Presenters: Michael Muller, Sadat Shami, Werner Geyer, and Matthew Davis (IBM & IBM Research)
Discussant: Judy Olson (University of California, Irvine)
Accelerating Theory Development with Large Online Experiments: Towards an Interaction Design Science
Presenters: James D. Lomas (UCSD)
Discussant: Darren Gergle (Northwestern University)
Social Cybersecurity: Applying Social Psychology to Cybersecurity
Presenters: Jason Hong, Sauvik Das, Tiffany Hyun-Jin Kim, and Laura Dabbish (Carnegie Mellon University)
Discussant: Andrea Forte (Drexel University)
Reflections on Risk-driven Design and Instruction
Presenters: Frank Ritter (Penn State University), Gordon Baxter (Gordon Baxter Consulting Ltd.)
Discussant: Stuart Card (Stanford University)
Theorizing CSCW: Model of Coordinated Action (MoCA)
Presenters: Charlotte Lee and Drew Paine (University of Washington)
Discussant: Jofish Kaye (Yahoo)
It Doesn’t Need to be So Hard: How and Why We Are Confused by Research Design and Methods in HCI
Presenters: Leysia Palen (University of Colorado Boulder)
Discussant: James Herbsleb (Carnegie Mellon University)