Theme Connected Life!
Location Pajaro Dunes, Watsonville, CA
Date June 26 - 30, 2016
Paper Presentations
A Formal Methods Framework for Designing Safer Interfaces
Andrew Abbate (Drexel University)
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Interface evaluation methods utilized in HCI are not exhaustive with respect to all possible configurations of a human-interactive system or all end user capabilities. New tools are needed to support rigorous usability analyses for safety-critical systems. To meet this need I employ formal methods, a set of mathematical tools and techniques for modeling and verifying systems, within a computational framework that enables HCI analysts to incorporate end user characteristics within formal models. Analyses employing the framework are exhaustive with respect to human-interactive system models, including discrete/continuous device elements and end users' psycho-motor capabilities.
A Lived Informatics Model of Personal Informatics
Daniel Epstein (University of Washington)
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This Ubicomp 2015 paper presents a model characterizing how people use personal tracking tools as a part of everyday life. My dissertation builds on the opportunities revealed in this model, including exploring designs for people who have lapsed in tracking and designing sharing features to facilitate greater audience interest and engagement.
Acceptance and Adherence: Improving the Design of Wearable Devices for Rehabilitation in the Home
James Hallam (Georgia Institute of Technology)
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Acceptance and adherence can affect the performance of therapeutic devices, which can have a direct impact on the medical outcomes of stroke survivors. This paper describes the examination of various design elements that may have an impact on the acceptance of home-use therapeutic devices, and the ongoing adherence patients have to following their prescribed exercises. We detail the creation of a proof-of-concept design for an interactive glove that allows the user to stimulate the fingertips of their affected hand by tapping the fingers of their unaffected hand, using Force Sensing Resistors to trigger Linear Resonance Actuators on the corresponding fingers. This paper outlines the design considerations and methods used to create the glove, and suggests a proposed study that will identify any significant interaction between common design elements of wearable therapeutic devices for home-use and the user's acceptance and adherence with the device.
Addressing the Information Needs of Crisis-Affected Communities: The Interplay of Legacy Media and Social Media in a Rural Disaster
Dharma Dailey (University of Washington)
Kate Starbird (University of Washington)
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I research how people produce and share information in crises. This 2016 article uses HCI research to speak to large-scale infrastructure issues. It is an account of how different sets of actors in the same crisis came to rely on somewhat different social and technical arrangements to address a common information need. Through two extended examples of coordinated information work in the same event, we gain a vantage point to see the interplay between different kinds of social arrangements (established media outlets and emergent crowd work) that filled important information gaps in a crisis. These collaborations, achieved similar ends while relying on different technical arrangements. Thus, they give us a vantage point to examine the interplay between different kinds of information and communication technologies (legacy ICTs and networked services such as social media) in a crisis context. Written for a federal policy audience, it highlights design considerations respective to ensuring the right infrastructures are in place to support the complexities of modern crisis communication.
An Investigation of Informal Learning on Facebook for College Students
Yiran Wang (University of California Irvine)
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Social media use is often negatively portrayed when it comes to youth and learning (e.g., a source of distraction). Using a mixed-method approach with 50 college students, I study the self-directed and interest-based learning that takes place via Facebook, such as developing political interests and bridging school-based learning to career opportunities.
Building scalable and sustainable peer interactions
Yasmine Kotturi (Design Lab, UC San Diego)
Chinmay Kulkarni (Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon)
Michael Bernstein (Stanford University)
Scott Klemmer (Design Lab, UC San Diego)
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When students work with peers they learn more actively, build richer knowledge structures, and connect material to their lives. Both online and on-land settings afford levers for system designers to build scalable and sustainable peer interactions; we investigate what these levers are and how to fine tune them.
CAnalytics: Connecting Information Analysts in a Collaborative Visual Analytic Workspace
Dong Chen (Pennsylvania State University)
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Collaborative information analysis is critical in multiple domains. However, a huge gap exists between the complex task requirements and technology available. We present CAnalytics, a web application that connects analysts through multiple coordinated views and activity awareness features. We conducted a classroom study for evaluation. Results indicate that the tool increases collaboration closeness and task engagement.
Computing in Early Childhood
Alexis Hiniker (University of Washington)
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This 2016 CHI paper explores the boundaries that parents set on young children's (age 1-5) use of digital media and children's experiences living within these limits. Understanding these practices is one component of my greater program of research which investigates: 1) the design choices that make digital interfaces accessible to young children, 2) the usage habits that are most conducive to healthy development, and 3) the larger family system in which young children's use of digital media is situated.
Design Challenges in Making Invisible Medical Crowdfunding Work Visible
Jennifer Kim (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
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Medical crowdfunding provides a new opportunity for patients to solicit financial support from their social networks. Although variety forms of collective support from the patient's social networks signal legitimacy of the campaign, those are often invisible on campaign interfaces. We explore design challenges in making those signals more visible.
Designing for Collective Memory in Pervasive Computing Environments
Jasmine Jones (School of Information, University of Michigan)
Mark S. Ackerman (School of Information, EECS, University of Michigan)
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In my PhD, I explore sociotechnical issues that arise in the everyday lives of people interacting with and within pervasive computing environments. I focus on understanding how people create and revisit their memories, and how to design for collective interactions with shared family memory.
Designing Systems to Support Novices Prototyping with Digital Fabrication Tools
Clement Zheng (Georgia Institute of Technology)
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Despite the increasing accessibility of digital fabrication tools, negotiating the entire process from design to fabrication is still a complex challenge for new users. Through my research, I build and develop systems that help guide novices through different complexities that they face throughout the process.
Enabling Motion-Based Gestural Interaction Design
Aman Parnami (Georgia Institute of Technology)
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Motion gestures can be expressive, fast to access and perform, and facilitated by ubiquitous inertial sensors. However, implementing a gesture recognizer requires substantial programming and pattern recognition expertise. Although several graphical desktop-based tools lower the threshold of development, they do not support ad hoc development in naturalistic settings. We present Mogeste, a mobile tool for in-situ motion gesture design. Mogeste allows interaction designers to envision, train, and test motion gesture recognizers using inertial sensors in commodity devices within minutes. Furthermore, it enables creative exploration by designers rapidly, at any time and within any context that inspires them. By supporting data collection, iterative design, and evaluation of envisioned gestural interactions within the context of its end-use, Mogeste reduces the gap between development and usage environments. With this tool, my hope is to empower interaction designers in their explorations of novel interfaces for emerging wearable and mobile platforms.
Enhancing Visibility of Distance Learners To Promote Sense Of Community
Na Sun (Pennsylvania State University)
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Sitting at the intersection of online community and cohorts arranged through university-provided education program, distance learners in distance education working towards a diploma need more than just materials-based delivery, but also demand and social integration as a supportive community in the face of challenges of online education, such as high dropout rates, stress from multiple roles as adults and feelings of isolation. My research focuses on enhancing visibility of distance learners to promote their sense of community through social presence to engage online learning actively and persistently.
Exploring and Supporting Today's Collaborative Writing
Dakuo Wang (University of California, Irvine)
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I study people's perceptions and practices of today's collaborative writing using both behavioral data traces (what people do) and interviews (what people think). In addition, I have built an information visualization system to help researchers to understand collaborative writing and to support co-authors to write together better.
Exploring Inclusive Learning Interactions for Young Adult Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Postsecondary Education
Erin Buehler (UMBC)
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My research explores turn taking between young adult students with and without intellectual disabilities (ID). When students collaborated in integrated classrooms, I found misperceptions of ability and inequitable turn taking amongst these heterogeneous learners. I am exploring input devices and intelligent notifications as means to detect and mitigate this behavior.
Hackathons, Codefests, and Sprints: A Case for Attention in CSCW on Community Coding Events
Erik Trainer (Carnegie Mellon University)
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Short-term intensive coding events, sometimes called hackathons, codefests, and sprints, are everywhere. Though popular, do they constitute a research-worthy area of their own? I outline several new research questions these events give rise to, provide some answers from my own work, and develop lines of inquiry for future research.
Imagery and Crisis Informatics
Melissa Bica (University of Colorado Boulder)
Leysia Palen (University of Colorado Boulder)
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Given the power of imagery and the rise of image-sharing platforms, images are important in crisis informatics research. Analysis of images shared online during a disaster revealed differences in how local people versus the rest of the world visually represent the event, as well as competing expectations for such imagery.
Learning and Adapting to User and Task Models to Improve Human-Robot Collaboration
Joshua Vahala (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Bilge Mutlu (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Robert Nowak (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
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As robotic partners become commonplace, we must adapt our robot models to match human expectations. Our ongoing work proposes an online, generalizable task-modeling technique to improve user experience. We plan to evaluate the utility and resulting user experience in a user study in which participants interact with a robot collaborator.
On Technique and Applied Science: Do we focus on the wrong subject?
Nicolas LaLone (Pennsylvania State University)
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The meaning behind the word technology has shifted from the 'science of the arts' to 'applied science.' The focus on the result of design rather than the techniques of design has come to dominate discourse about technology itself. Are we examining the right subject when we research design?
Parenting and Social Media
Tawfiq Ammari (University of Michigan)
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I am interested in studying how people use social media to make sense of social expectations as their social roles change. In my recent work, I have studied how parents negotiate what to post online with their partners and extended family. I have also studied the use of social media by fathers, stay-at-home dads and parents of children with special needs. As social expectations of parents ' especially fathers ' change, social media provides a potential source of social support and interaction with others facing similar social challenges. In future work, I will focus on the use of pseudonymous and anonymous sites by parents as their social roles change.
Reconfiguring Loss: Memory Practice & Participatory Damage Assessment in Post-Earthquake Nepal
Soden Robert (University of Colorado Boulder)
Robert Soden (University of Colorado Boulder)
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Following major disasters, governments and other formal emergency responders conduct disaster impact assessments to guide relief and recovery efforts. The data gathered during such assessments is used to construct shared understandings of the disaster and the damage caused to affected areas. Yet such assessments are often reductive and disabling, in that they prioritize information needs of formal, bureaucratic response over informal, locally-driven community responses and they constrain portrayals of impact and loss only to what is measurable during a typically short window of time following a disaster event. This paper describes an ongoing research project that seeks to develop new techniques for assessing impact and conducting memory work in Nepal following the April 2015 Gorkha Earthquake.
Self-disclosure and Supportive Interactions in Socially Stigmatized Contexts on Social Media
Nazanin Andalibi (Drexel University)
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I study self-disclosure and examine ways in which social computing systems can be designed to allow people to disclose stigmatized experiences and seek and provide support in their online social networks. My prior work has given me insight about online disclosures of mental illness and sexual abuse, the role of various degrees of anonymity in support seeking, and the ways that people respond to stigmatized disclosures. In my dissertation work, I focus on the miscarriage experience to investigate online disclosure and response practices around stigmatized topics, with the goal of improving both theory and social media design practices.
Sharing in Urban Environments: Opportunities to Build Social Capital
Emily Sun (Cornell Tech)
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Social capital has the potential to benefit individuals and communities, but there remains a challenge in establishing exchanges in urban environments. My research aims to understand how to build social capital through sharing of physical goods and digital information between collocated people.
Situated Gaze Mechanisms for Embodied Agents: Dissertation Summary and Motivation
Sean Andrist (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
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The central thesis of my dissertation is that situated gaze mechanisms can enable both virtual agents and social robots to more effectively communicate with human users across a variety of interaction contexts. My dissertation presents new understanding of several complex gaze mechanisms as they are utilized in human-human interactions, new models of gaze that connect low-level gaze variables with high-level social and cognitive processes, implementations of these models on both virtual and physical platforms, and evaluations of the effectiveness of these models across tasks with different measurable outcomes.
The Development of Spatial Skills in Videogames
Helen Wauck (University of Illinois)
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Certain video games are very effective at training spatial skills. We investigate specific features that determine a game's training effectiveness by developing our own game to isolate and test the effectiveness of different game features. In this paper, we describe results from our preliminary experiments and future research plans.
The Holo Grail: A genealogy of holograms as (actual) scientific and (imaginary) cultural objects
Thomas Conner (UC-San Diego)
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Princess Leia's 3D video-mail message in 'Star Wars' looked nothing like true holography, but it fired imaginations of what an interactive, digitally projected, and dimensional display could achieve. This STS and humanities project considers questions of visual communication and ontology in light of popular culture's fine-tuning of a new concept of holograms that technological development is now scrambling to actualize. If these efforts succeed ' if digital bodies begin occupying the same space as flesh bodies ' communication and even reality faces a possibly profound paradigm shift.
The Mindful Commute ' Cars as Intervention Machines
Pablo Paredes (Stanford University)
Wendy Ju (Stanford University)
James Landay (Stanford University)
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The average commute time in the US is close to 30 minutes each way. In a world where we wouldn't need to 'drive' the car while commuting, what would be the best use of this time? We see autonomous vehicles as an opportunity to help people reach wellness and high productivity levels. After all, commute time is not just moving from point A to point B. It is also about moving from a mindset to another. For example, from a family/relaxed mentality to a worker/productive mentality and vice-versa. We propose to use many sensors and multi-sensory feedback to personalize the in-car experience. We propose three types of interventions: in-car movement-based mindfulness, interactive chatbots and storytelling for drivers, immersive environments for users of autonomous vehicles leveraging virtual reality. We close with a discussion of the way to link values and mindsets to a 'healthy' commute.
Understanding the Role of Context in Decision Making towards exercise
Gaurav Paruthi (University of Michigan)
+ Abstract - Abstract
Health researchers have explored and studied a wide range of strategies and interventions to promote physical activities, development of a more effective intervention to promote participation in regular physical activity remains an important challenge for researchers, clinicians, and health authorities.With the increase in the use of smartphones, personalization of health interventions can be done at a more real-time pace. Contextual features like weather, time of day, calendar, location and other features can be taken into consideration while intervening with the user. In this study, we conduct critical incident interviewing with individuals who are struggling to fit exercise into their lives to understand the in-the-moment factors that influence decision making. We delve deeper into some of the known perceived barriers to exercise and highlight the opportunities for leveraging context to overcome those barriers.
Using Off-the-Shelf Robots as Actuated Tangibles for Desktop Applications
Darren Guinness (University of Colorado Boulder)
Daniel Szafir (University of Colorado Boulder)
Shaun Kane (University of Colorado Boulder)
+ Abstract - Abstract
In this work, we use consumer-grade, off-the-shelf robots as a toolkit to provide tangible input and haptic output for desktop applications. We envision a software framework to integrate these 'GUI Robots' into existing applications, enabling several modes of tangible input and haptic feedback that can augment traditional user experiences.
Discussant Abstracts
Locked or Not? Mental Models of IoT Feature Interaction
Presenters: Svetlana Yarosh (University of Minnesota)
Discussant: William Griswold (University of California San Diego)
Personal Data: Of the People, By the People, For the People
Presenters: Jason Wiese (FX Palo Alto Lab)
Discussant: Lucy Dunne (University of Minnesota)
Redefining Research Methods for a Connected World
Presenters: Julia Katherine Haines (Google)
Discussant: Mark Newman (University of Michigan)
Keep Your Wearable Close, but Your Data Closer
Presenters: Hari Sundaram (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Discussant: Janice Tsai (Microsoft)
Connected Objects, Connected Data: New Paradigm of Individual Privacy
Presenters: Heng Xu (Pennsylvania State University)
Discussant: Aleksandra Sarcevic (Drexel University)
The Connected [Work]Life
Presenters: Matthew Lee (FX Palo Alto Lab)
Discussant: David Nguyen (Accenture Tech Labs)
Invisibility, Conspicuousness, and Accessibility: How Sensing Systems Fail for Non-Traditional Users
Presenters: Shaun K. Kane (University of Colorado Boulder)
Discussant: Gillian Hayes (University of California Irvine)
Extracting Outcomes from Aggregations of Personal Data Streams: Opportunities and Challenges
Presenters: Emre Kiciman (Microsoft Research)
Discussant: Jofish Kaye (Yahoo)
Considering Connectivity for Visualization Design
Presenters: Danielle Albers Szafir (University of Colorado Boulder)
Discussant: Dan Cosley (Cornell University)
Considerations for the Connected Family
Presenters: Julie A. Kientz (University of Washington), Sarita Schoenebeck (University of Michigan)
Discussant: Elizabeth DiSalvo (Georgia Institute of Technology)